01. Rationalism was a movement which advocated
(A) a faith in the power of unaided reason
(B) the reconciliation of Church dogmas with new science.
(C) the substitution of Aristotelian authority for the Church.
(D) None of the above
02. The educative experience is desirable to the
(A) pragmatist, only if, on the whole it is acceptable to the pupil.
(B) realist, only if it is pleasurable and practical for the pupil.
(C) idealist only if it is effective in attaining immediate goals.
(D) reconstructionist, only if it helps the pupil earn a living.
03. Which of the following is not an aim of education according to Jain Philosophy ?
(A) Samyak J.nana (Right knowledge)
(B) Samyak Samkalpa (Right determination)
(C) Samyak Darshan (Right faith)
(D) Samyak Charitra (Right conduct)
04. Stratification in society is based on
(A) Power, Property and Prestige
(B) Culture, Caste and Class
(C) Education, Learning and Empowerment
(D) Motivation, Mobility and Material possession
05. Social change is a change in
(A) Social Relationships
(B) Social Achievement
(C) Social Values
(D) Civilization
06. In socialization, the teacher should play the role of
(A) An agent
(B) An administrator
(C) A counsellor
(D) All of the above
07. The real carriers of heredity are
(A) The Chromosomes
(B) The Genes
(C) The Nucleus of the cell
08. Social development is essentially a matter of
(A) Conformity to the demands of the social order
(B) Achievement of social security and acceptance
(C) Integration of ones purposes with those of the social order
(D) The development of social skills
09. Which of the following best describes the process of growth and development ?
(A) It is entirely physical and physiological.
(B) It is pre determined by heredity.
(C) All of its aspects are highly inter-related.
(D) It is essentially an individual phenomenon, different from person to person.
10. Structure of Intellect (SI model) is evolved by
(A) Thurstone (B) Guilford
(C) Spearman (D) Gardner
11. An intelligent child is characterised by
(A) Creative and Divergent thinking
(B) Critical and convergent thinking
(C) Critical, creative and convergent thinking
(D) All of the above
12. Constructivist learning is advocated by
(A) Jean Piaget
(B) Leu Vygotsky
(C) B.F. Skinner
(D) Kohler
13. Eysenck measured personality based on
(A) Type and Traits
(B) Type only
(C) Traits only
(D) None of the above
14. ‘Humanist theory’ of personality is advocated by
(A) McDougal (B) Maslow
(C) Rogers (D) Guilford
15. Match the following in List – I with that of List – II in the correct order :
List – I List – II
a. Freud i. Directive counseling
b. Williamson ii. Free Association
c. Rogers iii. Free wheeling
d. Gordon iv. Non-directive counseling
v. Eclectic counseling
Codes :
a b c d
(A) i iii iv v
(B) ii i v iv
(C) ii i iv iii
(D) iii ii i v
16. When working with children with disabilities it is important for thecounselor to enhance
school based services by doing so, the counselor is taking on the role of
(A) Investigator
(B) Collaborator
(C) Psychologist
(D) Coordinator
17. The psychotherapeutic method of guidance involves in :
(A) Emphasizes the use of the cumulative record
(B) Supports the giving of advice to the counsele
(C) Places confidence in the pupils ability to solve his/her own problems
(D) Is the destructive method of counseling pupils.
18. In counseling with pupil, a teacher should
(A) plan to do most of the talking
(B) establish rapport with the pupil
(C) refrain from giving him information
(D) assume responsibility for solving his problems.
19. In experimental research hypothesis are formulated
(A) before the experiment.
(B) during the experiment.
(C) after the experiment.
(D) none of these.
20. Type-I error, in the testing of a null hypothesis, occurs when the researcher
(A) rejects it when it is true
(B) accepts it when it is false
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) Neither (A) nor (B)
21. Which of the following is wrong ? Hypothesis can be formulated using
(A) the established theories.
(B) the findings of previous research.
(C) experience of the researcher.
(D) the results of the same study.
22. A researcher conducted three experiments with 100 subjects each
following uniform design instead of one experiment with 300 subjects. This is known as
(A) Replication
(B) Manipulation
(C) Observation
(D) Validation
23. Which of the following is not a characteristic of naturalistic inquiry ?
(A) Data Triangulation
(B) Prolonged stay in the field
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) Quantification of results
24. Internal criticism of historical data refers to
(A) establish authenticity of data source
(B) establish validity of the contents of data
(C) both (A) and (B)
(D) none of these
25. The mid day meal programme for pre-schools initiated with a view to
(A) increase enrollment
(B) involve community
(C) engage teachers
(D) increase the employment
26. The official organ of the U.S. Office of education is
(A) School News
(B) School Life
(C) The Educator
(D) School and Society
27. The main agency engaged in vocationalization of education in U.S.A.
(A) Private Enterprise System
(B) U.S. Department of Labour
(C) Formal Education System
(D) All of the above
28. The core-curriculum does not emphasize
(A) democratic procedures
(B) problem solving
(C) a well defined body of subject matter
(D) integration of different subject matter
29. The core curriculum consist of the
(A) subject matter children must learn in school
(B) subject offered by the school authorities
(C) total experiences in the school programme
(D) unit and lesson plans prep. by the teachers
30. A curriculum maker interested in designing a functional curriculum
would need an understanding of
(A) Educational philosophy
(B) Psychological principles
(C) Pedagogical procedures
(D) All of the above
31. Who initiated the Bureaucratic approach in the field of administration ?
(A) F.W. Taylor (B) M.Weber
(C) Mary Parker (D) Elton Mayo
32. Educational planning relates to
(A) choosing the best course of action for achieving the educational objectives.
(B) recruitment of teachers.
(C) checking the performance is in conformity with laid down standards.
(D) motivating the subordinates.
33. A school supervisor has responsibility to
(A) help the school in its development.
(B) observe the classroom teaching and suggest improvements if required.
(C) develop the teaching-learning material.
(D) All of the above
34. Which of the following statements has been advocated under Human Relation Approach ?
(A) Human beings do more work if their supervisors are strict.
(B) Human being attach importance to good interpersonal relations.
(C) Money is the only key motivation for human beings.
(D) None of the above
35. Which of the following is not the source of Educational Finance ?
(A) Public Funds
(B) Local Bodies Fund
(C) Education cess
(D) Relief Fund
36. Which of the following is not the technique of supervisor ?
(A) School visits
(B) Surprise visits
(C) Annual visits
(D) Excursion visits
37. The Father of Scientific Management Approach is
(A) F.W. Taylor
(B) Henry Fayol
(C) St. Etienne
(D) W. Willson
38. Who defined planning as “Deciding in advance what to do, how to do it,
whom to do it and when to do it” ?
(A) Max Weber
(B) Elton Mayo
(C) Koontz
(D) F. Taylor
39. For effective results, the educational supervisor should follow which of
the following approaches ?
(A) Team Approach
(B) Modern Approach
(C) Traditional Approach
(D) Administrative Approach
40. Teachers often put questions to students during and/or immediately
after teaching a lesson so as to assess their learning and thereby to proceed
to the next lesson. This an example of
(A) Summative evaluation
(B) Formative evaluation
(C) Concurrent evaluation
(D) Diagnostic evaluation
41. Teacher Eligibility Test conducted for selection of candidates for admission into
teacher education institution is an example of
(A) Placement test
(B) Aptitude test
(C) Attitude test
(D) Achievement test
42. The examination conducted by the Central Board of Secondary Education
(CBCE) can be categorized as
(A) Norm Referenced Test
(B) Criterion Referenced Test
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) Neither (A) nor (B)
43. Which of the following types of tools is most appropriate to assess one’s
interest in a particular phenomenon ?
(A) Questionnaire (B) Scale
(C) Test (D) Inventory
44. Which of the following is not related to item analysis ?
(A) Item difficulty index
(B) Item discrimination index
(C) Reliability coefficient
(D) Sensitivity of item to instructional effects
45. Miss Reema obtained grades in the subjects as follows in a 5 point scales :
English – A; Mathematics – B; Science – D and Social Sciences – A. Her Grade
Point Average (GPA) will be
(A) 5 (B) 3
(C) 4 (D) 3.5
46. Which of the following is not related to analysis of qualitative data ?
(A) Axial coding
(B) Meta Analysis
(C) Rich thick description
(D) Writing memos
47. The formula for calculation of Intelligence Quotient (IQ) is
(A)CA/MA X 100
(B) MA/CA X 100
(C)CA/100 X MA
(D)100/MA X CA
48. Norms are developed for the psychological tests at the time of their
(A) Translation
(B) Construction
(C) Standardization
(D) Administration
49. “Education Technology is the application of modern skills and
techniques to the requirements of Education and Training.” This was stated by
(A) Unwin
(B) T. Sakamato
(C) Leith
(D) Saetter
50. The important concept for developing the understanding and skills of teaching and training is
(A) Planning
(B) Demonstration
(C) Evaluation
(D) Task Analysis
51. Which is not true of interactive video ?
(A) Presentation of video pictures
(B) Presentation of CAI materials
(C) Use of principles of programmed instruction
(D) Learning becomes meaningful rather than instructional
52. What is the verbal component of a poster ?
(A) Visual
(B) Caption
(C) Pictorial
(D) All of the above
53. External programmed instruction is also known as
(A) linear programmed instruction
(B) internal programmed instruction
(C) interpretive programmed instruction
(D) crowderian programmed instruction
54. Which of the following is not a component of basic teaching model ?
(A) Instructional objectives
(B) Instructional procedures
(C) Instructional assessment
(D) Performance assessment
55. Match Column – A with Column – B :
Column – A Column – B
a. Audio-visual aids i. Software
b. Behaviour technology ii. Hardware
c. Programmed instruction iii. Management technology
d. Training psychology iv. System analysis
v. Internet
Codes :
(A) a and i (B) a and ii
(C) c and iv (D) d and i
56. Which of the following element contributes to educational
achievement of distance learners ?
(A) Student assignment response
(B) Course material
(C) Personal contact programme
(D) All of the above
57. Which of the following statement is incorrect about microteaching ?
(A) It is a method of teaching.
(B) It consists of core teaching skills.
(C) Each skill is practised separately.
(D) Questioning is one component of microteaching.
58. Most important challenge in teaching a resource teacher is
(A) identification and assessment of the disabled children
(B) teaching plus curricular activities
(C) sensitization of public, parents and peer groups.
(D) establishing resource room and supplying assistive devices.
59. According to Rehabilitation Council of India, teacher-pupil ratio in teaching
for the visually impaired children in a integrated education programme is
(A) 1 : 10 (B) 1 : 8
(C) 1 : 6 (D) 1 : 1
60. In List – I the name of the National and International Acts, declarations
are given and in List – II year regarding the Declarations and Acts
are given. Match the List – I with List – II in correct order :
List – I List – II
a. International Year of
the Disabled People
(IYDP) i. 1990
b. World Conference on
Education for All
(EFA) ii. 1992
c. Pupil with Disabilities
Act (PWD) iii. 1995
d. Rehabilitation
Council of India Act
(RCI) iv. 1981
v. 1986
Codes :
a b c d
(A) ii i iii v
(B) iii ii iv i
(C) iv i iii ii
(D) i iii iv ii
61. “There are three preventive activities, received from public regarding
mentally retarded children.” Which of the following is incorrect one ?
(A) Providing necessary advertisement through National
Institute for Mentally Retarded Children.
(B) Dissemination of available knowledge on ecology of mentally retarded through
public media like newspapers, radio, television etc.
(C) To bring together the parents and the interested person or
public to mobilize their efforts to channalise funds and family.
(D) Strengthening National level organizations to coordinate and disseminate the efforts.
62. The children with disabilities studying along with normal children
in a least restrictive environment programme assisted by a resource teacher is known as
(A) Special School Programme
(B) Integrated Education Programme
(C) Inclusive Education Programme
(D) None of the above
63. Legal Blindness is defined as
(A) 20/180 visual acuity in the better eye after best correction
(B) 20/70 visual acuity in the better eye after best correction
(C) 20/200 visual acuity in the better eye after best correction
(D) 20/100 visual acuity in the better eye after best correction
64. Apex body for the hearing impaired in India is
(A) Teacher training centre of little flower convent
(B) Rehabilitation Council of India
(C) The All India Institute of Speech and Hearing
(D) Ali Yavar Jung National Institute for the Hearing Handicapped
65. The most important challenge in Rehabilitation intervention programme is
(A) maintaining the full mobility or range of movement of the joints.
(B) improving the muscle power in the affected limbs.
(C) restoring the function of the affected limb by appropriate training.
(D) providing splints or callipers if needed.
66. Match the following List – I with List – II in correct order :
List – I List – II
a. Weakness of one half of body i. Monopolegia
b. Weakness of one limb ii. Paraplegia
c. Weakness of all four limbs
including trunk iii. Hemiplegia
d. Weakness of both lower limbs
iv. Quadriple
v. Diabetic
Codes :
a b c d
(A) ii i iii v
(B) iii i iv ii
(C) i ii iii v
(D) iv iii i ii
67. “Destiny of India is being shaped in her classroom.” This is stated in
(A) Education Commission (1964- 1966)
(B) National Policy on Education (1986)
(C) National Knowledge Commission (2005)
(D) University Education Commission (1948-49)
68. National Education Day is observed on Nov.-11 every year in memory of
(A) Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan
(B) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
(C) Zakir Hussain
(D) Mahatma Gandhi
69. ‘Accreditation’ of Teacher Education Institution is done by
70. Integrated Teacher Education Programmes are offered by
(A) Self-financing colleges of Education
(B) Open Universities in India
(C) State Institutes of Education
(D) Regional Institutes of Education
71. Match the following :
List – I List – II
a. Personalised System
of Education i. Keller
b. Cone of
Experience ii. Edgar Dale
c. Programmes
Instruction iii. Herbart
d. Didactic Apparatus iv. Skinner
v. Crowder
Codes :
a b c d
(A) i ii iv v
(B) iii i iv ii
(C) ii i iv iii
(D) iv iii ii v
72. The most important single factor of success for a teacher in the beginning
of teaching career is
(A) Personality and ability to adjust to classroom
(B) Positive attitude and outlook towards life
(C) Verbal fluency and organizational ability
(D) Competence and professional ethics
73. When the children become mischievous and disobedient in the classroom, the
teacher should examine
(A) Home background of the students
(B) Influence of outside elements in class
(C) Teaching methods and subject knowledge
(D) Co-curricular and other attractions in the school
74. Teachers working with children with disabilities must register their names with
75. Task analysis in teaching requires
(A) Content and Pedagogy
(B) Technology and Evaluation
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) None of these
(A) a faith in the power of unaided reason
(B) the reconciliation of Church dogmas with new science.
(C) the substitution of Aristotelian authority for the Church.
(D) None of the above
02. The educative experience is desirable to the
(A) pragmatist, only if, on the whole it is acceptable to the pupil.
(B) realist, only if it is pleasurable and practical for the pupil.
(C) idealist only if it is effective in attaining immediate goals.
(D) reconstructionist, only if it helps the pupil earn a living.
03. Which of the following is not an aim of education according to Jain Philosophy ?
(A) Samyak J.nana (Right knowledge)
(B) Samyak Samkalpa (Right determination)
(C) Samyak Darshan (Right faith)
(D) Samyak Charitra (Right conduct)
04. Stratification in society is based on
(A) Power, Property and Prestige
(B) Culture, Caste and Class
(C) Education, Learning and Empowerment
(D) Motivation, Mobility and Material possession
05. Social change is a change in
(A) Social Relationships
(B) Social Achievement
(C) Social Values
(D) Civilization
06. In socialization, the teacher should play the role of
(A) An agent
(B) An administrator
(C) A counsellor
(D) All of the above
07. The real carriers of heredity are
(A) The Chromosomes
(B) The Genes
(C) The Nucleus of the cell
08. Social development is essentially a matter of
(A) Conformity to the demands of the social order
(B) Achievement of social security and acceptance
(C) Integration of ones purposes with those of the social order
(D) The development of social skills
09. Which of the following best describes the process of growth and development ?
(A) It is entirely physical and physiological.
(B) It is pre determined by heredity.
(C) All of its aspects are highly inter-related.
(D) It is essentially an individual phenomenon, different from person to person.
10. Structure of Intellect (SI model) is evolved by
(A) Thurstone (B) Guilford
(C) Spearman (D) Gardner
11. An intelligent child is characterised by
(A) Creative and Divergent thinking
(B) Critical and convergent thinking
(C) Critical, creative and convergent thinking
(D) All of the above
12. Constructivist learning is advocated by
(A) Jean Piaget
(B) Leu Vygotsky
(C) B.F. Skinner
(D) Kohler
13. Eysenck measured personality based on
(A) Type and Traits
(B) Type only
(C) Traits only
(D) None of the above
14. ‘Humanist theory’ of personality is advocated by
(A) McDougal (B) Maslow
(C) Rogers (D) Guilford
15. Match the following in List – I with that of List – II in the correct order :
List – I List – II
a. Freud i. Directive counseling
b. Williamson ii. Free Association
c. Rogers iii. Free wheeling
d. Gordon iv. Non-directive counseling
v. Eclectic counseling
Codes :
a b c d
(A) i iii iv v
(B) ii i v iv
(C) ii i iv iii
(D) iii ii i v
16. When working with children with disabilities it is important for thecounselor to enhance
school based services by doing so, the counselor is taking on the role of
(A) Investigator
(B) Collaborator
(C) Psychologist
(D) Coordinator
17. The psychotherapeutic method of guidance involves in :
(A) Emphasizes the use of the cumulative record
(B) Supports the giving of advice to the counsele
(C) Places confidence in the pupils ability to solve his/her own problems
(D) Is the destructive method of counseling pupils.
18. In counseling with pupil, a teacher should
(A) plan to do most of the talking
(B) establish rapport with the pupil
(C) refrain from giving him information
(D) assume responsibility for solving his problems.
19. In experimental research hypothesis are formulated
(A) before the experiment.
(B) during the experiment.
(C) after the experiment.
(D) none of these.
20. Type-I error, in the testing of a null hypothesis, occurs when the researcher
(A) rejects it when it is true
(B) accepts it when it is false
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) Neither (A) nor (B)
21. Which of the following is wrong ? Hypothesis can be formulated using
(A) the established theories.
(B) the findings of previous research.
(C) experience of the researcher.
(D) the results of the same study.
22. A researcher conducted three experiments with 100 subjects each
following uniform design instead of one experiment with 300 subjects. This is known as
(A) Replication
(B) Manipulation
(C) Observation
(D) Validation
23. Which of the following is not a characteristic of naturalistic inquiry ?
(A) Data Triangulation
(B) Prolonged stay in the field
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) Quantification of results
24. Internal criticism of historical data refers to
(A) establish authenticity of data source
(B) establish validity of the contents of data
(C) both (A) and (B)
(D) none of these
25. The mid day meal programme for pre-schools initiated with a view to
(A) increase enrollment
(B) involve community
(C) engage teachers
(D) increase the employment
26. The official organ of the U.S. Office of education is
(A) School News
(B) School Life
(C) The Educator
(D) School and Society
27. The main agency engaged in vocationalization of education in U.S.A.
(A) Private Enterprise System
(B) U.S. Department of Labour
(C) Formal Education System
(D) All of the above
28. The core-curriculum does not emphasize
(A) democratic procedures
(B) problem solving
(C) a well defined body of subject matter
(D) integration of different subject matter
29. The core curriculum consist of the
(A) subject matter children must learn in school
(B) subject offered by the school authorities
(C) total experiences in the school programme
(D) unit and lesson plans prep. by the teachers
30. A curriculum maker interested in designing a functional curriculum
would need an understanding of
(A) Educational philosophy
(B) Psychological principles
(C) Pedagogical procedures
(D) All of the above
31. Who initiated the Bureaucratic approach in the field of administration ?
(A) F.W. Taylor (B) M.Weber
(C) Mary Parker (D) Elton Mayo
32. Educational planning relates to
(A) choosing the best course of action for achieving the educational objectives.
(B) recruitment of teachers.
(C) checking the performance is in conformity with laid down standards.
(D) motivating the subordinates.
33. A school supervisor has responsibility to
(A) help the school in its development.
(B) observe the classroom teaching and suggest improvements if required.
(C) develop the teaching-learning material.
(D) All of the above
34. Which of the following statements has been advocated under Human Relation Approach ?
(A) Human beings do more work if their supervisors are strict.
(B) Human being attach importance to good interpersonal relations.
(C) Money is the only key motivation for human beings.
(D) None of the above
35. Which of the following is not the source of Educational Finance ?
(A) Public Funds
(B) Local Bodies Fund
(C) Education cess
(D) Relief Fund
36. Which of the following is not the technique of supervisor ?
(A) School visits
(B) Surprise visits
(C) Annual visits
(D) Excursion visits
37. The Father of Scientific Management Approach is
(A) F.W. Taylor
(B) Henry Fayol
(C) St. Etienne
(D) W. Willson
38. Who defined planning as “Deciding in advance what to do, how to do it,
whom to do it and when to do it” ?
(A) Max Weber
(B) Elton Mayo
(C) Koontz
(D) F. Taylor
39. For effective results, the educational supervisor should follow which of
the following approaches ?
(A) Team Approach
(B) Modern Approach
(C) Traditional Approach
(D) Administrative Approach
40. Teachers often put questions to students during and/or immediately
after teaching a lesson so as to assess their learning and thereby to proceed
to the next lesson. This an example of
(A) Summative evaluation
(B) Formative evaluation
(C) Concurrent evaluation
(D) Diagnostic evaluation
41. Teacher Eligibility Test conducted for selection of candidates for admission into
teacher education institution is an example of
(A) Placement test
(B) Aptitude test
(C) Attitude test
(D) Achievement test
42. The examination conducted by the Central Board of Secondary Education
(CBCE) can be categorized as
(A) Norm Referenced Test
(B) Criterion Referenced Test
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) Neither (A) nor (B)
43. Which of the following types of tools is most appropriate to assess one’s
interest in a particular phenomenon ?
(A) Questionnaire (B) Scale
(C) Test (D) Inventory
44. Which of the following is not related to item analysis ?
(A) Item difficulty index
(B) Item discrimination index
(C) Reliability coefficient
(D) Sensitivity of item to instructional effects
45. Miss Reema obtained grades in the subjects as follows in a 5 point scales :
English – A; Mathematics – B; Science – D and Social Sciences – A. Her Grade
Point Average (GPA) will be
(A) 5 (B) 3
(C) 4 (D) 3.5
46. Which of the following is not related to analysis of qualitative data ?
(A) Axial coding
(B) Meta Analysis
(C) Rich thick description
(D) Writing memos
47. The formula for calculation of Intelligence Quotient (IQ) is
(A)CA/MA X 100
(B) MA/CA X 100
(C)CA/100 X MA
(D)100/MA X CA
48. Norms are developed for the psychological tests at the time of their
(A) Translation
(B) Construction
(C) Standardization
(D) Administration
49. “Education Technology is the application of modern skills and
techniques to the requirements of Education and Training.” This was stated by
(A) Unwin
(B) T. Sakamato
(C) Leith
(D) Saetter
50. The important concept for developing the understanding and skills of teaching and training is
(A) Planning
(B) Demonstration
(C) Evaluation
(D) Task Analysis
51. Which is not true of interactive video ?
(A) Presentation of video pictures
(B) Presentation of CAI materials
(C) Use of principles of programmed instruction
(D) Learning becomes meaningful rather than instructional
52. What is the verbal component of a poster ?
(A) Visual
(B) Caption
(C) Pictorial
(D) All of the above
53. External programmed instruction is also known as
(A) linear programmed instruction
(B) internal programmed instruction
(C) interpretive programmed instruction
(D) crowderian programmed instruction
54. Which of the following is not a component of basic teaching model ?
(A) Instructional objectives
(B) Instructional procedures
(C) Instructional assessment
(D) Performance assessment
55. Match Column – A with Column – B :
Column – A Column – B
a. Audio-visual aids i. Software
b. Behaviour technology ii. Hardware
c. Programmed instruction iii. Management technology
d. Training psychology iv. System analysis
v. Internet
Codes :
(A) a and i (B) a and ii
(C) c and iv (D) d and i
56. Which of the following element contributes to educational
achievement of distance learners ?
(A) Student assignment response
(B) Course material
(C) Personal contact programme
(D) All of the above
57. Which of the following statement is incorrect about microteaching ?
(A) It is a method of teaching.
(B) It consists of core teaching skills.
(C) Each skill is practised separately.
(D) Questioning is one component of microteaching.
58. Most important challenge in teaching a resource teacher is
(A) identification and assessment of the disabled children
(B) teaching plus curricular activities
(C) sensitization of public, parents and peer groups.
(D) establishing resource room and supplying assistive devices.
59. According to Rehabilitation Council of India, teacher-pupil ratio in teaching
for the visually impaired children in a integrated education programme is
(A) 1 : 10 (B) 1 : 8
(C) 1 : 6 (D) 1 : 1
60. In List – I the name of the National and International Acts, declarations
are given and in List – II year regarding the Declarations and Acts
are given. Match the List – I with List – II in correct order :
List – I List – II
a. International Year of
the Disabled People
(IYDP) i. 1990
b. World Conference on
Education for All
(EFA) ii. 1992
c. Pupil with Disabilities
Act (PWD) iii. 1995
d. Rehabilitation
Council of India Act
(RCI) iv. 1981
v. 1986
Codes :
a b c d
(A) ii i iii v
(B) iii ii iv i
(C) iv i iii ii
(D) i iii iv ii
61. “There are three preventive activities, received from public regarding
mentally retarded children.” Which of the following is incorrect one ?
(A) Providing necessary advertisement through National
Institute for Mentally Retarded Children.
(B) Dissemination of available knowledge on ecology of mentally retarded through
public media like newspapers, radio, television etc.
(C) To bring together the parents and the interested person or
public to mobilize their efforts to channalise funds and family.
(D) Strengthening National level organizations to coordinate and disseminate the efforts.
62. The children with disabilities studying along with normal children
in a least restrictive environment programme assisted by a resource teacher is known as
(A) Special School Programme
(B) Integrated Education Programme
(C) Inclusive Education Programme
(D) None of the above
63. Legal Blindness is defined as
(A) 20/180 visual acuity in the better eye after best correction
(B) 20/70 visual acuity in the better eye after best correction
(C) 20/200 visual acuity in the better eye after best correction
(D) 20/100 visual acuity in the better eye after best correction
64. Apex body for the hearing impaired in India is
(A) Teacher training centre of little flower convent
(B) Rehabilitation Council of India
(C) The All India Institute of Speech and Hearing
(D) Ali Yavar Jung National Institute for the Hearing Handicapped
65. The most important challenge in Rehabilitation intervention programme is
(A) maintaining the full mobility or range of movement of the joints.
(B) improving the muscle power in the affected limbs.
(C) restoring the function of the affected limb by appropriate training.
(D) providing splints or callipers if needed.
66. Match the following List – I with List – II in correct order :
List – I List – II
a. Weakness of one half of body i. Monopolegia
b. Weakness of one limb ii. Paraplegia
c. Weakness of all four limbs
including trunk iii. Hemiplegia
d. Weakness of both lower limbs
iv. Quadriple
v. Diabetic
Codes :
a b c d
(A) ii i iii v
(B) iii i iv ii
(C) i ii iii v
(D) iv iii i ii
67. “Destiny of India is being shaped in her classroom.” This is stated in
(A) Education Commission (1964- 1966)
(B) National Policy on Education (1986)
(C) National Knowledge Commission (2005)
(D) University Education Commission (1948-49)
68. National Education Day is observed on Nov.-11 every year in memory of
(A) Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan
(B) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
(C) Zakir Hussain
(D) Mahatma Gandhi
69. ‘Accreditation’ of Teacher Education Institution is done by
70. Integrated Teacher Education Programmes are offered by
(A) Self-financing colleges of Education
(B) Open Universities in India
(C) State Institutes of Education
(D) Regional Institutes of Education
71. Match the following :
List – I List – II
a. Personalised System
of Education i. Keller
b. Cone of
Experience ii. Edgar Dale
c. Programmes
Instruction iii. Herbart
d. Didactic Apparatus iv. Skinner
v. Crowder
Codes :
a b c d
(A) i ii iv v
(B) iii i iv ii
(C) ii i iv iii
(D) iv iii ii v
72. The most important single factor of success for a teacher in the beginning
of teaching career is
(A) Personality and ability to adjust to classroom
(B) Positive attitude and outlook towards life
(C) Verbal fluency and organizational ability
(D) Competence and professional ethics
73. When the children become mischievous and disobedient in the classroom, the
teacher should examine
(A) Home background of the students
(B) Influence of outside elements in class
(C) Teaching methods and subject knowledge
(D) Co-curricular and other attractions in the school
74. Teachers working with children with disabilities must register their names with
75. Task analysis in teaching requires
(A) Content and Pedagogy
(B) Technology and Evaluation
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) None of these
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